New Year, New You.

“Asked me if I coulda treated you better but no. Not at all…not at all.” ❤️ – Drake

Left For Dead

You left me.

What was going through your head

When you left me?

With no hope in sight,

You left me.

With nothing but my fears late at night-

You left me.

With no one to hear my plight,

You left me.

I deserved none of it;

But you left me.

I barely survived it

When you left me.

Broken and confused;

You left me.

Mistreated and abused;

You left me.

I used to be your muse,

But you left me!

You broke all of the rules

When you left me!

I can’t breathe

Since you left me…

I can’t even sleep

Since you left me!

All I’ve done is grieve

Since you left me…

That’s why I’m waiting for you here,

Where you left me.

Mistakes of my Youth


Where to start
Where to end.
What decisions to be ashamed of
And what to defend.
I could write a book
But I’m not finished yet-
Still trying to learn lessons
From the things I regret.
Still trying to figure out
How to make my next move,
Still trying to understand 
What I need to improve.
Still trying to silence
The voices in my head,
Still trying to let go
Of things that are long dead.
‘Til then I’ll hold off on concluding this chapter,
I’m still making mistakes so I’ll have to wait ’til after.
I’ll just take each day with positive energy & laughter
& try to forget all the things that don’t really matter.💞


“In youth we learn
In age we understand.”– Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach


Love heart made of ash

Remnants of the past,

Memories a fleeting.

I try to grasp them with my hands-

But like ashes they crumble at my touch.

My heart breaks a little more

As I will myself to go on without you.

So sad that our fire that once burned so bright,

Left nothing but devastation in its wake.

Now I must muster the strength to leave you behind

Then bury you in the depths of my mind.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

How I wish we could go back to how it once was.

Also for blog